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woensdag 6 november 2013

Doing Business in South-Africa

Welcome everybody! South-Africa is nowadays one of the BRICS-countries, and for that reason it's a country with an attractive business environment. What do you need to know, when you want to do business in this country? It's for foreigners important to know how to deal with cultural differences. In International Business, it's decisive to adapt yourself to the person you want to make money with. With this post, I will provide you with do's and don'ts regarding to the business atmosphere in South-Africa. People with experience in doing business in South-Africa, please let us know your experiences!

Do's and don'ts in South-Africa

* A business dress in South-Africa is quite informal; in official meetings and first introductions a coat and a tie are customary.

* When you're being invited to a home "braai", make sure to bring a small attention such as wine or desserts. Your business partner will definitely appreciate such a present. South-Africa is a huge producer of wine, it would be easy to buy one!

* Don't show the soles of your foot and avoid the use of your left hand; both are regarded to many South-Africans as unclean.

* Do not comment on the political and/or social situation unless you are asked for it and you can put forward well-thought comments.

* If you are dealing with a recently privatised company expect high levels of bureaucracy and a slow rate of progress.

* Take it easy with white South-Africans. Don't pressure them into a deal. It would not be the first time that they have the idea of being forced by foreigners. Take your time!

The do's and don'ts which I have described are of great value in my opinion. These are the main fundamentals because you faces them as soon as you do business with a South-African. I hope you can make use of this information in your future business negotiations!

This website could provide you with more information:
Doing business in South-Africa

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